NetLink NBN Trust (SGX: CJLU): 2024 Full Year Result

On 16 May 2024, NetLink NBN Trust (“NLNT”) announced their full year result for 2024. Their results have been relatively consistent this quarter, although EBITDA saw a decrease due to higher operating expenses. Next quarter onwards is when the updated pricing will come into effect, and we will be able to see if this has any significant financial impact.

Unlike Real Estate Investment Trusts (“REITs”), NLNT is a business trust and are not imposed the same regulations as REITs.

Website: Financial Statements And Related Announcement::Full Yearly Results

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NLNT was established in 2017 primarily for the purpose of owning all of the units of NetLink Trust (“NLT”), through which NLNT owns the only nationwide fibre network supporting Singapore’s Next Generation Nationwide Broadband Network (“Next Gen NBN”).

NLNT designs, builds, owns and operates the passive fibre network infrastructure of Singapore’s Next Gen NBN. An initiative led by the Singapore government, the Next Gen NBN aims to enhance the competitiveness of the economy through nationwide ultra-high-speed broadband access. By providing an open, wholesale access to our fibre network, telecommunication operators can focus on offering innovative products and services to consumers and businesses without incurring high fixed costs.

NLNT offer primarily three types of end user connections:

  • Residential
  • Non-residential
  • Non-Building Address Point (NBAP)

NLNT was listed on the Main Board of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited on 19 July 2017. It is a constituent of the FTSE ST Large & Mid Cap Index, FTSE ST Singapore Shariah Index and the MSCI Global Small Cap – Singapore Index.

Key Metrics



Revenue increased by 1.9% to SGD411 million for FY2024 when compared to the SGD403 million in the previous financial year. This metric is Favorable as NLNT could grow their revenue.

Earnings Per Share

Earnings per share-5.4%No Info

Earnings per share decreased by 5.4% to SGD0.0265 per share from SGD0.0280 per share in the previous financial year. Looking through the financials, this is because the Group have incurred higher finance costs and written off more property, plant, and equipment. Against a relatively consistent revenue for both financial years, this translates to a lower net profit. This metric is Unfavorable.

Operating Cash Flows

Operating Cash Flows+1.0%No Info

Operating cash flows generated saw an increase by 1.0% to SGD288 million from SGD285 million in the previous financial year. This metric is Neutral as it is relatively unchanged. However being able to generate consistent cashflows is a favorable thing, and the cash flows generated from operations can sustain the dividend payout of approximately SGD210 million annually.

Gearing Ratio

Gearing Ratio23.1%24.3%

Gearing ratio decreased to 23.1% as of 31 March 2024. This is considered Favorable as there is sufficient headroom for NLNT to pursue growth opportunities and they will not be weighed down significantly by interest rate changes.

Interest Coverage

Interest Coverage6.5x7.2x

If using the same computation as REITs (EBIT/net interest expense), for FY2024 the EBIT of the trust is SGD119 million while finance costs is SGD18.4 million. This translates to interest coverage of 6.5 times. This is Favorable in my opinion. The reason NLNT can have sufficient interest coverage is due to its low gearing. NLNT is well positioned as interest rates continue to rise as the world looks to tackle inflation.

Debt Maturity Profile

Debt Maturity Profile2.4 years2.7 years

Weighted average term to maturity of their debt shortened to 2.4 years as of 31 March 2024. This is Favorable and it allows them sufficient time to refinance their debts as they fall due.

Price to Book Ratio

Price to Book Ratio1.341.29

The Price to Book (“P/B”) ratio became more expensive at 1.34. This is computed using the closing share price of SGD0.865 on 21 May 2024 and the net asset value of SGD0.647 per share as of 31 March 2024. This P/B ratio indicates that we are paying a premium for its assets. The P/B ratio metric is thus Unfavorable.


20243.06%SGD 0.027
20236.09%SGD 0.053
20226.00%SGD 0.052
20215.91%SGD 0.051
20205.85%SGD 0.051
20195.73%SGD 0.050
Extracted from

For the first half of the calendar year 2024, NLNT distributed SGD0.027 per share which is relatively consistent with what was paid out in 2023. When annualised, this will amount to SGD0.054 per share using the first half payout as a base.

With a closing share price of SGD0.865 as of 21 May 2024, this translates to a healthy dividend yield of 6.12%. For my benchmark, a general reasonable range would be around an average of 5.50% to 6.50%, and NLNT is within the range. The dividend yield is Favorable.

Website: Reasonable Dividend Yield 2024Q2

Interest Rate Sensitivity

The Federal Reserve on 2 May 2024 has signalled that US borrowing costs are likely to remain higher for longer, as it wrestles with persistent inflation across the world’s biggest economy. This was after increasing the interest rates to a range between 5.25% and 5.50% on 26 July 2023.

Website: Federal Reserve chair Jay Powell signals interest rates will remain higher for longer

As the interest rate may increase further, NLNT may be subjected to significant change in their cost of debt in the near future. Their debt profile as of 31 March 2024 is as below.

DescriptionAmount (SGD’000)
Total Debt$765,000
Debt Not Hedged (%)21.6%
Debt at Floating Rate Exposed$165,240
EBITDA FY2024$292,399

I have thus performed a sensitivity analysis using the information.

Change in Interest RatesDecrease in Distributable Income (SGD’000)Change as % of FY2024 EBITDA
+ 50 bps-$826-0.3%
+ 100 bps-$1,652-0.6%
+ 150 bps-$2,479-0.8%
+ 200 bps-$3,305-1.1%
+ 250 bps-$4,131-1.4%
+ 300 bps-$4,957-1.7%

Do note the above is my estimation which may be different from management’s estimation. Nonetheless, if the interest rates were to increase by the basis points above, NLNT may experience a fall in EBITDA accordingly which may in turn affect distribution.

Key things to note

IMDA Regulatory Review

On 27 November 2023, NLNT has completed the regulatory price review by Infocomm Media Development Authority (“IMDA”). The review determines the new pricing NLNT can charge since 2017 when it was listed.

Website: General Announcement::Completion of Price Review

With the completion of the price review, it is noted that the monthly recurring charge for residential has decreased by 2.17% to SGD13.50 from SGD13.80. Non-building address point has also seen a decrease by 4.47% to SGD70.50 from SGD73.80. No change for non-residential at SGD55.00. These revised prices will take effect from 1 April 2024, with no material impact on the financial year ending 31 March 2024.

The result is that from FY2025 onwards, we may see revenue decrease. Assuming all other costs remain constant, this will translate to lowered profit and likely dividend as well.

Growing towards asset light

NLNT by no means it is an asset light Company. However from an accounting point of view, they have been paying out dividends that are higher than their earnings. This is possible because of the high depreciation, which is a non-cash adjusting expense, resulting in high EBITDA as compared to profits.

For illustration purposes, imagine a scenario where you are in the business of car rental. The useful life of cars in Singapore companies are generally 10 years. This is due to the Certificate of Entitlement (“COE”) lasts only 10 years, and the value of the car is thus depreciated over its 10 years useful life. However, over the course of the 10 years, at the end of the useful life with the expiry of the COE, you will need to pay an equivalent amount to purchase a new car with a new 10-year COE. The new purchase would not be possible if you pay out dividends based on EBITDA and have no cash savings from the dividend expense.

What management is saying is that the assets of NLNT do not have a high replacement cost at the end of its useful life. and the assets will still be able to continue to operate indefinitely. Thus they do not need to save money from the depreciation expense for a potential replacement of the assets.

The result is that the net asset value of the Company will continue to decrease as they continue to pay out the dividends sustained using EBITDA. Eventually if they would like to secure new financing, their balance sheet will seem to have insufficient assets to pledge as collateral for new borrowings.

Investors will need to take note if they are comfortable with the idea that their assets are able to last longer than the pre-determined useful lives as of reporting date.


Earnings per share-5.4%Unfavorable
Operating Cash Flows+1.0%Neutral
Gearing Ratio23.1%Favorable
Interest Coverage6.5xFavorable
Debt Maturity Profile2.4 yearsFavorable
Price to Book Ratio1.34Unfavorable

The overall metrics for NLNT remain unchanged at Neutral. It was expected to remain stable for this quarter. Moving forward, we will be able to see if there are any impacts from the new pricing that is taking effect from 1 April 2024. Investors will need to take this into consideration when assessing their own risk appetite.

Disclaimer: Not financial advice. All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only.

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Website: NetLink NBN Trust (SGX: CJLU): 2024 Third Quarter Business Update